Saying that something is “The Best” is usually a subjective opinion.
After Tom Brady won his 5th Super Bowl ring, analysts squabbled over whether or not he was the greatest quarterback of all time. Despite the fact that the subject isn’t statistically debatable, many couldn’t accept that TB12 is the NFL’s “Great One”. It’s interesting that analysts couldn’t see eye to eye, but even more interesting that they used excessively subjective viewpoints to argue their cases. To me, statistics and awards serve a very specific purpose. They’re something tangible that we can either see or feel. They solidify when a given accomplishment has been met, thus straying away from opinion and further into fact. Ultimately, accomplishments can be used as evidence against someone else’s viewpoint, but it’s still difficult to say that something is objectively “The Best” or even better than something else… Unless you’re Donald Trump.
The Donald doesn’t need trophies, factual evidence, or accomplishments within any field to say that he’s “The Best.” Just in case you’re wondering what he’s so much better at, here’s a short clip to let you know. Spoiler Alert: Some of these are YUGE!
Carly Simon
Theme from “The Spy Who Loved Me”
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