The compelling story of an infant orphan who crash-landed on Earth from the planet Krypton, escaping in a miniature space lifeboat launched by his scientist parents just as the planet exploded. Baby Kal-El grew up to become Clark Kent, aka Superman, to fight a “never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way.” With powers “far beyond those of mortal men,” and undaunted by bullets, bombs, and death rays, he selflessly battled the forces of evil in the world. His fictional comic book exploits gave us the term “superhero.”
Being nearly invulnerable, the only substance that worked as a weapon against Superman was Kryptonite, pieces of his home planet that had been scattered through the universe when it exploded. Superman’s enemies knew that they could only defeat Superman with Kryptonite, and it became the most valuable weapon on Earth.
Enter President Donald Trump.
The right views this president as a political superman, with nearly unlimited powers. The left takes the opposite approach, understanding that his formidable powers are anathema to their very existence, and they have vowed to destroy him. So far in the ongoing political battle royale, the left has used every weapon at hand against him, to no effect. Political bullets bounce off his chest, and exploding bombshells leave him standing unaffected. The left is desperately seeking some “Trumptonite.”
They have found nothing in the present that works against Trump, so they will likely search in his past, all the way to his infancy, digging for some remnant from his early life that might bring him down – some radioactive debris from his home world.
Perhaps some “Trumptonite” exists on Earth, perhaps not, but the left will never stop looking. The stakes for them are much too high to concede defeat to this unnatural politician, a man so different from everyone else that he simply must have come from another planet.
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